Useful Information for Digital Media Students

sites + social media

  1. Digital Media Website — the official digital media website incl. an archive of student projects, regulations, news etcetera
  2. Digital Media Blogs — a blog-network mostly catering information flow for classes, rooms, and announcements
  3. Freie Kunst Website — a blog for Freie Kunst
  4. HfK Bremen Website — the official HfK Website
  5. HfK Werkstätten — the official list of HfK Werkstätten incl. contact information to the Werkstattleiter_innen
  6. Digital Media Program @ Instagram


  1. Digital Media Program @ Mattermost — messaging system for the program
  2. Physical Computing Library — a collection of electronic components that can be borrowed for a short period of time to experiment with

administration + program structure + information

  1. Program Courses — a list of courses available to the bachelor and master program
  2. HfK Artist — a catalog of courses available at HfK
  3. Program Structure Bachelor — a visual representation of the course structure of the bachelor program
  4. Program Structure Master — a visual representation of the course structure of the master program
  5. Digitale Medien Bachelor Modulkatalog — a catalog of all the modules in the bachelor program
  6. Digitale Medien Master Modulkatalog — a catalog of all the modules in the master program
  7. Gesetze, Erlasse und Verordnungen — a extensive catalog of Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Erlasse

faculty websites

  1. Digital Media Faculty — a list of faculty active in the programms
  2. Prof. Peter von Maydell — personal website
  3. Prof. Dennis P Paul — personal website
  4. Prof. Kilian Schwoon — personal website
  5. Prof. Dr. Andrea Sick — personal website
  6. Prof. Ralf Baecker — personal website
  7. Prof. Tanja Diezmann — personal website

design/artistic methods + process

  1. Directions for Developing a Design/Artistic Project
  2. Directions for Developing Bachelor or Master Theses
  3. Directions for Preparing Material to Document Projects on Our Website
  4. Finding Ideas
  5. An Economic Perspective on Interaction Design

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